For clarification in further reading of this research, the terms Artist and Designer are defined below. Merriam Webster dictionary defines an Artist as "One who possesses and practices an imaginative art." (Merriam-Webster) Merriam Webster defines a designer as "One who creates and often executes plans for a project or structure."(Merriam-Webster) While AIGA states in their What is Design article, "The traditional role of design has been to improve the visual appearance and function of messages and information." This description is interesting. Notably within the field, a difference between an artist and designer is often denoted by specifying the designer as creating functional work based on problem-solving. Some, however, do not make much of a distinction at all. In the end, Designers are fellow creatives who create utilizing the same visual articles of organization, principles, and theories as all other art specialties. Because of this, a creative’s specific specialty and medium is of no consequence. An Artist is an Artist. Throughout this research, the term artist will be used as an all-encompassing term to detail traditional and contemporary visual artists and designers.